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Five Amazing Facts about the Olive Tree

Five Amazing Facts about the Olive Tree

The olive tree is a plant with a rich and ancient history, and nowadays everybody is aware of how healthy olive oil is and we all know how delicious olives can be. However, even though it has been around for thousands of years, there are still some facts about the olive tree that might surprise you.

Did you know that?

• The oldest olive tree is more than 2000 years old – olive trees have an average life span between 400 and 600 years. The Olive tree of Vouves in Crete, Greece is believed to be the oldest one in...

3 Things to Know about Olive Oil

3 Things to Know about Olive Oil

As olive oil is gaining more and more popularity in the kitchen, chefs around the world are developing new recipes that include this healthy alternative to vegetable oil. It is not a pretentious ingredient and you do not need to be a professional cook or pastry chef to make delicious dishes using it.

Nevertheless, there are a few things you should know about olive oil, so that you can make the best of it.

1. How to buy it
The olive oil has numerous health benefits and in order to enjoy its full potential you should only buy Read the article

Organic Olive Oil – The Liquid Gold

Organic Olive Oil – The Liquid Gold

With a rich history, that stretches for thousands of years, the olive oil is as popular today as it was in the past. It stood the test of time thanks to its numerous benefits and multiple usages. From ancient times people have been using olive oil in medicine, diets, skin care, religious rituals and even as fuel for oil lamps. Even though some of these applications have become obsolete in time, olive oil is still largely used nowadays.

Called “liquid gold” by Homer and “the great healer” by Hippocrates, olive oil is used today mainly for cooking, in...

Handtíndar ólífur

Handtíndar ólífur

Stórfjölskyldan tínir ólifurnar í ræktarlandi sínu á grísku eyjunni Krít.

Frjósami dalurinn serm er kallaður Mirambello er þeim skilyrðum gæddur að geta framleitt nokkrar af bestu ólífuolíum heims. 

Bestu skilyrði til ræktunar

Bestu skilyrði til ræktunar

Mirambello dalurinn er nálægt strönd þar sem loftslagið er tilvalið til ólífuræktunar. Kaldir, blautir vetur og heit þurr sumur.