7 Main Benefits of the Carob Honey – Eðalvörur frá Krít

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7 Main Benefits of the Carob Honey

The popularity of carob honey is increasing, as more and more people are learning about its benefits. The honey comes from the nectar of the carob tree flowers, but also, some beekeepers believe, from the honeydew found on the fruit pods of the carob tree.
There are separate male and female carob trees, and they are not able to self-pollinate. However, both male and female trees produce flowers rich in nectar, thus attracting bees and other insects.

The carob honey is of the mono-floral type, with a rich taste and a golden amber color. Like all raw honey, it provides significantly more benefits than the poly-floral honey, due to the fact that it retains all the minerals and vitamins from the flower.

In terms of flavour, the carob honey tastes similar to chocolate, but its caloric value is much lower. It has a rapid crystallisation rate, and when found in this form it has a fruitier taste. When in liquid state, the carob honey has an intense aroma with a slightly bitter aftertaste.

If the chocolaty taste did not convince you to try the carob honey, here are 7 benefits that surely will:

1. It has high antioxidant capacity;
2. It displays antibacterial and antimicrobial properties;
3. It helps regulate the intestinal function due to its antiseptic properties;
4. It is effective in treating colds, bronchitis and angina;
5. Its soothing effect helps with insomnia and anxiety;
6. It is suitable for people with high blood pressure;
7. It helps reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood.

If you appreciate a healthy lifestyle, but you also have a sweet tooth that you do not want to give up, try including the carob honey is your diet. Its amazing properties will improve your health, without having to sacrifice much in terms of taste.

carob honey made in Greece for Olea Iceland

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