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News — Iceland

The Carob Tree and Its Surprising Particularities

The Carob Tree and Its Surprising Particularities

The carob tree has its origins in the eastern Mediterranean region and it is nowadays growing in similar climates, especially in areas where citrus trees would grow. The most prominent countries in carob production are Portugal, Italy, Morocco, Turkey, Greece and Cyprus. Even though for a while the carob tree seems to have been forgotten, in the last decades people have turned to it for its health benefits and chocolate-like taste.

In ancient times the carob was very popular, especially for one reason – but it is not what you would think. Before weighing devices were invented, merchants used the carob...

7 Main Benefits of the Carob Honey

7 Main Benefits of the Carob Honey

The popularity of carob honey is increasing, as more and more people are learning about its benefits. The honey comes from the nectar of the carob tree flowers, but also, some beekeepers believe, from the honeydew found on the fruit pods of the carob tree.
There are separate male and female carob trees, and they are not able to self-pollinate. However, both male and female trees produce flowers rich in nectar, thus attracting bees and other insects.

The carob honey is of the mono-floral type, with a rich taste and a golden amber color. Like all raw honey, it provides significantly...

Five Amazing Facts about the Olive Tree

Five Amazing Facts about the Olive Tree

The olive tree is a plant with a rich and ancient history, and nowadays everybody is aware of how healthy olive oil is and we all know how delicious olives can be. However, even though it has been around for thousands of years, there are still some facts about the olive tree that might surprise you.

Did you know that?

• The oldest olive tree is more than 2000 years old – olive trees have an average life span between 400 and 600 years. The Olive tree of Vouves in Crete, Greece is believed to be the oldest one in...

Organic Olive Oil – The Liquid Gold

Organic Olive Oil – The Liquid Gold

With a rich history, that stretches for thousands of years, the olive oil is as popular today as it was in the past. It stood the test of time thanks to its numerous benefits and multiple usages. From ancient times people have been using olive oil in medicine, diets, skin care, religious rituals and even as fuel for oil lamps. Even though some of these applications have become obsolete in time, olive oil is still largely used nowadays.

Called “liquid gold” by Homer and “the great healer” by Hippocrates, olive oil is used today mainly for cooking, in...